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"Women are the Future of Wealth Management. Annuities are Essential to Securing their Future."
"Women are your future. Market to them in exciting new ways."
Click the logo to visit the sample Wealth Ladders Women advisor site.
Working successfully with women is indeed the key to future success. . That's why we've introduced Wealth Ladders Women, the first safety-focused retirement income solution developed expressly for "boomer, designed to address their needs, preferences and objectives. We've studied the research. Multiple studies reveal three , prominent concerns that women express to researchers: "Risk reduction", "goals" and "confidence". That's exactly what Wealth Ladders for women delivers.

As the center of gravity in financial services shifts toward women, as they take control over the next few years of as much as $30 trillion, will you be prepared? Are you prepared? You will be if you join Wealth Ladders Women. And you'll gain a clear competitive advantage. That's because the rest of the industry is decidedly unprepared.
"When you understand the dynamics regarding "boomer" women and male financial advisors, you'll know why the industry faces a problem... and an opportunity."

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